Wednesday, June 16, 2010


For those who don't know what happened....:
There is someone out there that apparently thinks that I'm 'fake'.. because I apparently 'flirt'.... and act.. 'innocently'? From the 'Ms Fang' response, I assume that whoever that person is knows me either on Facebook (where my name is 'Liddie Fang') or in real life (on the back on my year 12 jumper, it says 'FANG')..... most likely, both because 99% of my Facebook friends I know in real life.
From their tone, my 'bro' thought that that person may know me ...well? Which is rather hurtful because I only tell personal things about myself to friends that I trust. Maybe he's right. Maybe he's wrong.

'Liddie Fang at the end of the day, it is about who has the strength to ignore the bullshit and not let it affect them. Who cares if I supposedly flirt. At least I have the confidence to be myself and confront life for what it is.'

That's my status on Fb  (:

As one of my close friends suggested, I disabled my Formspring account. I only created the account because I was interested in what people would ask me if their identity is unknown. But, you know what? There are some things that maybe we are not suppose to now. Words can sting. I mean, if you want to me that I'm fake and explain why, come up to me and say it to my face. Because I want to know what people think of me and I know that I'm probably not the most likeable person on this planet.

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