Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Eat My Shorts, Chemistry/Psychology Exam.

Rawr. =="
Don't you sometimes just wish life is easier... love is not so complicated... and death may be slightly perhaps a tinsy bit more pleasurable?

There's exactly 13 days until my midyear exams. Oh noes. Oh woes. Where is the Grim Reaper when you need him eh?
Psychology... well, lets just say that I'm slightly more confident than Chemistry...
Had Psych last period and did the short answer section of a practice exam....
"Me: .... oh crap~~ what is the definition of consciousness agaiN????????? *stress stress*"
yeah.. sooooo~~ hi naomi. go do your biol.

lol.. yeah that was my friend who just walked into the library~ rawr.

mmmm.. and chemsitry.
oh crap.
i'm so screwed for that.
haven't done enough exams.....or questions..... haven't really revised apart from the 8 hour lecture on Sunday... (that killed my brain cells)

Mmmm... what else is happening~

Well, there's the guy.... and the other guy.... and some other random person on the train. lawlz.
first guy.. well, he was avoiding me. i logged onto facebook. oh lookie, he got a girlfriend. NO WONDER HE WAS AVOIDING ME..... ==" *facepalm*
mmm.. the second guy I only just found out last night that he likes someone else. so *poof* there goes that one~ plus, he's shorter than me soo... just the slightish tad bit awkward ==" (*rages* WHY ARE GUYS SOO SHORT THESE DAYS. FML)
mmmm... yeah~ the random person.. is .. err.. random .^^" haha.

and there's my best friend (: who's birthday is tomorrow. so if you're reading this (and i'm going to make sure you do)...


...and sorry, you're pressie is coming ^^" promise, brotherdear <3

mmm... yeah. just hope you have an awesome awesome day and enjoy being MATURE now xD rofls~
mmm.... and thanks for everything (: and im always here for you. and yeah. you know the rest (:

Signing off guys. bai. x

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