Sunday, November 15, 2009

Cash Bribes for Teachers?

That's absolutely ridiculous. Teachers get paid cash bonuses due to their stuends' grades? Bribery, that's what it is. Teachers should be able to teach their students without a money-bribe. Should not they aim to see the growth in their students' achievements rather the growth in their bank balance? This is an educational problem and like most things in life, it can not be bought, bribed or sold. There are truly amazing teachers in this state and they do whatever they can in order to benefit their students. For the other teachers that, in comparison, does not work as hard, do your job properly and stop being so selfish. Students in this modern society depend heavily on what teachers teach. Perhaps it is not noticeable now, but give it a few years and when the bubbly teenage students have turned into mature adults, you would see the significant difference.

On another note, not to single people out particularly, there are a portion of students that do not work hard and this has completely abostlutely nothing to do with the teachers' performance. No matter how well the teachers teach (or how much they get paid), their scores drop like a negative expoential graph. With the exception of those with mental disabilities, students should get their butt as well as their mind running to those high scores and meet those deadlines.
Personally, I am terrified of the approaching end of high school and I know that I need to organize my time better. Like many students my I age, I plan for a fruitful life, family (&a few pets), european holidays, and a peaceful retirement. What do I need in order to make my dreams a reality? Money. Therefore, in order to earn the gold, I would need to work hard, achieve an extremely high ENTER, get into university, achieve high scores in university, open up my own business and wooooooooooooooooooooork. So, it's a long hard road (with the hot Melbourne sun beating down), but no pain no gain, right?

One last word, for those that are not so motivated, think of it this way: if you want the golden (literally) life, then you need to work your way out of this tunnel of childhood. All the best~

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