Thursday, November 5, 2009

Well, there goes 5%...

okay.. so methods exam 1 is over... exam 2 next monday D:

im so freaked out man... seriously. exam 1 is straightforward while exam 2 has more twists and turns :S

i need a study score of above 35 but im aiming for above 40 (: but already in exam 1, i've lost at least 5% D:

in one of the questions, it says to antidifferentiate this log base e equation and i remembered all the 1/a and the absolute values but you know what i forgot? i forgot the negative sign because a is NEGATIVE.... I LEFT THAT OUT. the question is worth 2 marks .. so there goes 50% of that >.>

*sighs* i hope i do well in exam 2 . wish me luck world.

con affetto, L.

1 comment:

  1. i dont think you lose both the 2 marks for just missing out the -ve sign
    though i'm judging that on UK exam boards =S dunno what yours are like :P

    good luck on your other exams =DDD
