Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My Oliv ;D

Everyday, I meet some pretty wonderful, strange, weird, extraordinary, sweet, caring, cute, handsome friends on the net :] in particular, there is one person that has never given up on me. Even when I forget to reply to his long emails, he emails me out of the blue. The feeling of someone remembering you still exist is something that cannot be easily explained in words... It's kind of like opening an unexpected present... and that lovey-dovey fuzzy-wuzzy feeling :3

Hey Oli (: you know I'm talking about you. haha. well, if you don't, you have to be pretty blind. Thank you for being one of the most wonderful person I have met online... and thank you to your beautiful blog. <3 (just to warn you, I would be saying a lot of 'thank you's :3 )

Thank you for never giving up on me.
Thank you for caring.
Thank you for listening to me rant about some boy or whatever girl troubles.
Thank you for being such a sweet caring person.
Thank you for being you.
Thank you for putting up with my non-responsive emails or extremely-late emails.
Thank you for being one of the people that I know will always read this.
Thank you for being my rock.
Thank you for being my teddy bear.
Thank you for being the shoulder I come to cry on.
Thank you for being the arms that I hug when I need someone to hold me.
...& you know what makes this so extra-ordinary? You're millions of kilometers away from me, yet you are one of my closest friends.

I love you, Oli and I will always be here for you whenever you need me.

Love always, Liddie.


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