Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Things About Me (stolen from Oliv <3 )

6 aspirations:

  • To get into university and become a dentist.
  • To get married and have children. <3
  • To be the best daughter, mother, wife, friends, best-friend, and 'sister' that I can be.
  • To become a well-known best-selling author ;D
  • To live happily.
  • To be myself and no one else.
5 people close to your heart:

  • My parents.
  • My grandparents.
  • All my close friends (you know who you are :3 )
  • All the people that I have loved and in love with and love and continue to love and will love. <3
  • My 'sanity'.
4 great friends:

  • Oliverrr =D
  • Albert. ^^
  • Naomi. <3
  • Susan. :3
3 things you always take with you:

  • My 'sanity'.
  • Myself.
  • My mobile.
2 important lessons in life:

  • If something terrible, devastating, cruel, upsetting happens, learn to work through it, forgive but never forget, and let go of any anger and grudges.
  • Sometimes, your friends and family are the only things you have.
1 thing you look forward to everyday:

  • Friends. ♥

I can cover my emotions up pretty well and only let you see what I want you to see.
I am emotional.
I will forever support gay rights.
I cherish my friends and family above anything else.
I will do whatever I can in my power to help my friends when they are in need. (feel free to call. open 24hrs, 7days)
I will die for the ones that I love.
When I'm really angry, I don't scream and shout.
I rather give than receive.
I will sacrifice everything for the sake of love. <3
I can be extremely stubborn.
I am extremely tolerant and patient, yet at the same time, I can be extremely impatient.
I don't believe that long-distance relationships are not 'real'.
I worry about my friends alot.
I find it hard to let go.
I find myself rather annoying at times.
I'm too observant for my mental health.
I can be extremely sarcastic.
I have a violent streak.
No matter how much I scream, shout, threaten, I don't have it in me to actually kill someone.
I fall in love and trust way too easily.
...& I care too much, about everything and nothing at all.

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