Sunday, May 16, 2010

"You were a dream. Then a reality. Now a memory."

"liddie, you know I like you, you know how important you are to me,
I've told you 3? times before?, I love you, but it's a different love.
Besides, long distance relationships, we've discussed that too,
Perhaps if we were neighbours, it'd be very different, but as it stands, we're not.
And you have your own love-life, right?
Hence, I do love you.
I don't "love" (like love-love) her, I'm grateful to her, and thankful too.
She's a great friend too, and I'm happy to know her.
Between me and her, there've been times when things fell awkward, so like I said in the blog - or rather, I was hinting - that to keep the friendship, to not risk anything, I'll stay by her as a friend.
The situations between me and the both of you are completely different, you can't compare.
So does that answer your question?

Dear my sweet knight,
Yes, I know how important I am to you and I'm sure you know important you are to me. Well, I hope you do at least. What we have... it's something between a relationship and friendship, no? Yes, I know what you mean when you say that you love me in a different way. Over time, since these years that I've known you, we have grown close and you're right once again, it's probably for the best that we stay the way we are now. We both have experienced the ups and downs of long-distance relationship and we know the unpredictability that it holds.
But there is something that I want you to know. Please, on any occassion, don't feel obligued to not go out with someone because it will make things between us awkward. It's okay. You can think of it like I'm giving you permission... Well, not exactly since I don't necessarily own you in any way. All I'm saying is that if you like someone, go for it. Don't worry about me.
In your loneliness, I'll be there to light your path and comfort you with warmth. Upon this planet, there are over six billion human beings, but we only need a few to comfort us when life is in jeopardy. As long as you let me, I'll help you in everyway that is possible. When you need me, I'm always there with you in spirit. I will always remain as your psycho angel. Nothing will change that.
So, next time you realize you have feelings for someone else, go for it. (: It'll be okay. You won't lose me that easily, my dear. <3

Con affetto, Liddie 'Psycho Angel'

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