Friday, October 29, 2010

내가 항상 여기 있습니다

This image is drawn by a guy that I've only started talking to recently. But so far, I can tell that he is definately one of the sweetest guys I've met. We all have our good and bad points, and as a friend, I accept him for who he is. &despite the short period of time, I trust him already and I hope he knows that I'm here for him if he ever needs me.
We shalt be friends for a very long time.       ( :
Ps, as much as he would beg to differ, he is pretty good looking. *waggles eyebrows* ^^

On a completely different note....


olidear, I hope you can pull yourself out of this one. :\ I know it will be difficult and I'll be supporting you all the way soo you are never ever ever ever alone, okay? If you need someone to talk, I'm just an email away (: haha.


Friday, October 22, 2010


Can't believe high school is over. Man, I cried so much during valedictory and final assembly (espesh after the assembly). Hello ...exams... >> .... then UNIVERSITY. YEAH BABY. LETS PARTYYYYYYY <3

To Fintona's Class of 2010,
Thank you for accepting me so easily. Changing from a large co-ed government school to ....a small girl private school was hard. I've definately had my fair share of ups and downs, but in the end, it is the people that I have met and friends that I have made that truly counts. Thank you, each and everyone, for making years 10-12 so incredibly enjoyable and I will miss your happy smiles and easy acceptance. I wish you all the best for not only the coming exams but also university, and especially, life. I know that you will all exceed and I hope that we will keep in touch.

Con affetto, Liddie. xxoo

Saturday, October 9, 2010

In the meantime, a few photos for you peeps to enjoy ^^

vampire knight <3

...unfortunately true.. ):

one of my favorite quotes <3

appreciate the little things in life (: 

 i want those white wings *_*

well, i was waiting for something that would never happen... :\

fudgecakes, she's pretty :S swap?


hahahhahah i love this image~!

i'll find my significant other. i will. <3

haha bio (: isn't this cute? but i guess only those who know the process of dna can appreciate this :3

another fav image (: that blonde kid is uber cool~

i'm listening~

I am strong. *chants to self* :S

EXACTLY! just do something for the sake of doing it (: because it makes you happy (:

soo true (Y)

how come my wishes never come true? ):

panda ~!

*free hug* :3

arghh spiders D:

wish me luck for exams :S

hehe <3

childhood imagination.... O, that was a wonderful world to be in.

keep hoping. just keep hoping.

sometimes we need to chillax a lil~ me included! 

You know that guy I was talking about in my previous post?

Not the story (duh.), the one before it. Well, somethings have changed. No, I haven't talked to him and never well. But I found out some things........

Which I will post another time when I have the time. 25 minutes to midnight atm. Literature revision lectures from 10am to 3pm. Meeting friends at train station at 8.30am. Maybe I should sleep. Hmm....

The Short Story That Never Won A Prize.

Happy Last Birthday


A seventeen-year-old Tom pushed the door open a fraction. Inside, the fireplace lay dead but the room was filled with certain warmth. The sickly sweet aroma of vanilla clutched at his throat. Velvet curtains drank in the sunlight. Thick candles burned on the ledge above the fireplace. It flickered as it sensed another being.

On the table was a birthday cake. Halved strawberries nested luxuriously in fluffy piles of whipped cream, resting on the flawless chocolate surface. In white icing, it read ‘Happy Last Birthday.’ A knife lay on its side; glistening dark liquid sheathed the mirror-like blade.

On the bed, a shadowy figure lay on her back, as still as a corpse on the examining table. The only movement was the subtle rise and fall of her diaphragm. An arm draped over the edge, fingertips scrapping the newspaper underneath. A pool of spilt white capsules and an empty blue bottle lay on the bed beside her pale fingers.

“Stella?” whispered Tom, his voice gentle. He took a step closer.

Her long tangled blonde hair created a messy halo around her. Staring blankly, her large childlike eyes were wide open. The chocolate-brown pools held a distinct emptiness; whatever it held was extracted, leaving behind a lifeless shell. It chilled him to the bone. When he called her name again, she looked at him, moving neither her head nor body. Mona Lisa had returned.

Tom fell down beside her. She blinked as if that was the only form of communication she could manage. She looked down. Tracing the phantom path her eyes created, he came upon the dark crimson stains on the sheets of yesterday’s newspaper. It covered part of a dark-haired woman’s smiling face. For a moment, he just stared, his brain unable to function.

Then it hit him like a bag of weights, knocking the breath out of him.

Gingerly, he picked up her wrist, as if it will break and shatter into a million pieces. Smooth stone-cold skin seemed to burn through the skin on his fingers. He fragilely flipped it over and gasped.
A red diagonal line carved into the inside of her wrist; a distinct contrast with her milky translucent skin. Red snakes slithered down her wrist. Tom’s face turned a ghastly shade of white as the image in front of him branded itself into his mind.

Wordless, he searched her eyes with his. Her eyes suddenly flickered as if life was switched on. Emotion flooded her eyes for a moment, but she hastily switched off again. It was as if she was afraid that she showed too much. He swore violently and dug around for his mobile. Locating it in his jeans pocket, he clumsily flicked it open and dialed. His hand shook as he held the phone to his ear.
Stella lay there, inert. Her eyes gradually drooped closed. The dark-blue veins on her eyelids seem to scream out in the candlelight. A fragile, unearthly prettiness surrounded her.

“Emergency? Ambulance please.”
A short pause.
“Can you come down to 34 Austin Street Bulleen? Something terrible has happened to my—” He gazed at her left hand. The large topaz winked at him. Swallowing hard, he continued.
“—my fiancé.”
His hands begun to get clammy. They trembled slightly as he splayed out his fingers on the cool surface of the bamboo floorboards.
“She’s lying on her back. There’s a cut on the inside of her left arm.”
Hot tears burned his eyes, blurring his vision. He hurriedly wiped them away.
“As fast you can...” A whispered plead.

He snapped his phone shut. The loud snap echoed. Taking a shuddering breath, he dragged his eyes to Stella. He did not want to look but it was like a car crash on the road, you just cannot tear your eyes away. Kneeling beside her, he took her right hand in both his hands, placing a kiss on top. Salty tears streamed out from under his eyelids, fusing their skin together. Time seem to stop. It was almost as if God pressed the ‘mute’ button on life. Minutes trickled away, like rainwater down a drain.

Outside, the ambulance screeched to a stop. Neighbors peeped out their windows to observe the commotion. Afraid to be seen, they hurriedly backed away.
The door shook in its hinges under the pounding of fists. Unhurriedly, Tom released Stella’s hand and went to open the door, his eyes never leaving her. They rushed in like a gust of wind.

“Where’s your fiancé?” one of the men demanded.
The question sliced through Tom’s trance like a sharp blade, wincing slightly at the sudden noise.
“On the bed,” he answered flatly, exhaustion finally taking over.
“How long has she---” The questions kept coming.
“I don’t know.”
Routinely, they got to work. A stretcher was brought in and they packed Stella into the ambulance.
“Unconscious. Loss of blood. Possible transfusion. Test for drugs.”

A middle-aged man with warm blue eyes looked at Tom, slightly concerned.
“Son, you comin’ with us?”
“Yeah.” He stared hard at the crinkled surface of the blue bed sheet as if he stared long and hard enough could bring her back, alive and healthy. The man peered at the boy’s forlorn expression.
“You gonna be okay?” His voice softer.
“Yeah,” Tom automatically answered.
“Let’s go.”
Satisfied with the answer, he strode out. His heavy footsteps made the overloaded bookcase tremble violently as if it will topple over. Lingering a moment longer, Tom followed.

He closed the pale blue door with its peeling paint, feeling like he was closing the door to Stella’s life. Dread fell on his shoulders. Would she ever open this door again with her bare hands?
The image of her on the bed, arm dangling over the side, flashed before his eyes. A thin blanket of cold sweat covered his back like a second skin. He tried to shake off the image, but it clung on with its filthy hands and claws, dragging him down into despair’s gloomy depths.

As the sun settled behind the city’s skyscrapers in the distance, the ambulance raced off down the gravelly road. It attempted to save one life, but oblivious to the fact that, in the end, it will also take another; killing two birds with one stone.

Monday, October 4, 2010


Now that exams are almost here, I probably shouldn't be blogging... ^^" haha but really, couldn't resist~ I have exactly 24 days (including this one) until my English Exam and about three weeks until the end of high school. Part of me is thinking YAY FINALLY I HAVE FREEEEEEEEEEEEEE "i believe i can fly (8)" but the other part is thinking ....holy crappo.... uni.... :S :S :S.... and the other part is stressing its head off thinking about EXAMS D:::: *stress stress*
Today marks the start of the first day of the last term of the last year of high school. it's not even a proper term. only three weeks. well, the last week we pretty much just muck around and dress up etc.
Ahhh.. the future.
Well, the nearest future is graduation and exams D: grrr.. i figured out that the lowest ENTER i can get is, like, 80........ which i basically can't get into anything (no, im not even considering nursing. nuh uh.).. soo i guess for the next 23 days i have to literally work my butt off. Suppose to write four essays yesterday. None actually written. But tonight HOWEVER. i shall attempt to write one ^^ hehe along with cramming for Psych assessment test tmrw >> grrr.~
I wrote up a timetable too. Pretty much that everyday I have about at least 4 hours of work and about 5-6 hours on the weekend (excl. chem tut which is another 1.5 hour on saturday night). so yeah.... >< im gonna be A ZOMBIEEE when exams are over -.- so tired~~

Enought about study. let's talking about se-... LIFE LIFELIFE =D hahah~~ (if you don't know the song i was suggesting, shame on you)
well, for a teenager like moi at this time of the year, life consists of three things: sleep, vce, and i have to admit, my hormones. well, boys. xD haha.
There was a guy that i did like~ well, like quite alot. but i finally decided that i should let him go.
you see, we had a 'date' at the start of this year and that was the first and last time i've seen him since primary school. during the year, we've talked on phone, text... a lil msn. rather infrequently, i must add. he had girlfriends (though still apparently wanting to be with me, which i still haven't figured out how that works). a few days ago, he sent me a test saying that he does still want to be with me .lahlahlah... *fast forward*...and the last line was "will you be all mine as i am all yours" ... or something like that. i was rather touched by the.. uhh...confession. but don't get excited yet. i texted back saying that theres a chance i might go interstate to study etc. and he texted back saying that guess we'd have to see then. i mean, thats all you say? i asked him what he thought. and that is a pretty vague answer. later on, i talked to him on msn and i said soo what now. and he just kept saying i dont know. everything i say, just kept saying i dont know. so i asked him what that rather emotional text was about then? just some kind of emotional release? and once again, he said i dont know. *rages* so i basically signed off saying that there is no point discussing all this if he doesn't know what to do.
you know, i really thought he wanted this. this relationship, i guess. after i finish exams. but now? he just kept repeating that he doesn't know. so due partly to that indecisiveness, i decided to finally let him go. for once and for all. also i was rather hurt that his long emotional text was hollow. because, in that text, he seemed quite sure of himself. plus, we're too different. opposites attract, but only to an extent.
So now, everytime i think of him and see other couples so loving and into each other, theres that bittersweet sickening feeling in my heart. part of me wants to rip him to pieces and dissolve his remains in concentrated sulfric acid and the other part just wants to run away. away from couples and all this sickly love. rawrajwerjawe;lrwjak. guess i'll be over it soon. i'm a romantic after all. ha.
For now, it's just that bittersweet veil drooping upon my soul. ew. that just sounded really strange. oh well.
back to chem. *sigh*